I have tried the Cabernet Sauvignon, the Pinot Noir and now I am onto the Pinot Grigio.   LBD has such fun wines and so I far I have not been disappointed.  These wines are created to be drinkable, enjoyable and easy – at least that is my interpretation.  Of course, the added bonus is their wonderful price point.

The LBD Pinot Grigio 2009 is a bright honey color.  At first nose the wine has a very musty aroma, almost a little off putting as it is like sticking your nose into an old closet with mothballs.  Never ever to put off when it comes to wines; I went in again with an even deeper nose and then came hints of pear and mowed grass.  On the palate this wine is crisp, clean and is quite sharp.  There is also a touch of dryness on the roof of your mouth and tip of the tip tongue, which lasts some time.  The wine then continues with a creamy custardy finish on the palate with green apple that’s quite tart. 

A delightful summer’s eve wine and one I will be buying more of to enjoy on those evenings alone and of course with friends.

My rating…






