“The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of the human race than the discovery of a star”
– Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

A second Friday of Pizza being my Fab Dish Friday.  This one is extra special and worthy of presenting.

Last year I attended an event at Salvatore’s in the Seaport area with my friend, Kerry where we were treated to an amazing Vign Ola Cherry Pizza.  If anyone mentions going to Salvatore’s, I always tell them it is a must order (as long as they are over 21!)

Last Saturday we decided to go back and this special pizza was top of mind. The bing cherries are soaked in raspberry vodka for a week prior to being layered on flatbread pizza, which combines strong gorgonzola and rich creamy mozzarella, salty prosciutto with an added mild sweetness of honey.  This pizza could make your knees go weak.  In fact, I recommend that you stop by just for this pizza, you will not be disappointed.  As a side note, you have to be 21 to order it.  Not surprising given the week long soaking of cherries in vodka.

Do you have a favorite pizza?