Season 3 (2000) of the iconic Sex and the City series had a very short scene where Carrie and Miranda enjoyed cupcakes while talking about their love lives.  Magnolia Bakery was shared with the world.  At least the world beyond Bleecker Street, NYC.  Cupcake Craze sky rocketed.  Everyone wanted a Magnolia Cupcake! 

I remember being in NYC around that time and you couldn’t get near the place for lines down the street.  Given I am not into super sweet things and you can give me cheese over insanely sweet dessert any day, I often just gave up thinking its not worth it. 

Well, fast forward to 2019 (or slow as this took me 19 years!!), let me tell you the Red Velvet Cupcake for me is definitely worth it!  Why had I not tried this before?

According to their website the Magnolia Red Velvet cupcakes are made “red with cocoa, vanilla and a little southern mystery, with its own special whipped vanilla icing.”

To me, Magnolia’s Red Velvet is not too sweet, perfectly balanced to not be dry and cakey but instead melty moist (not my favorite word but describes this cupcake perfectly) and super special with its insanely creamy vanilla icing.  Paired with a cup of English Breakfast Tea it was a happy afternoon.

Given Magnolia Bakery in Chicago is right on my doorstep, this could be very dangerous for me!  Definitely worth a Fab Dish Friday thumbs up!