My mornings start with coffee and my evenings end with wine. During the week there is work in-between and during the weekends there are projects like cleaning and sorting through my shoes to keep me busy. Kind of crazy that I save little things I wouldn’t even think about for the weekend.  Next week I may take on the super exciting task of going through my sock draw.  I can’t wait 😉.  Compartmentalizing my days is what is getting me through them.

The weather in Chicago is truly not helping anything right now…  lockdown is bad enough when you can go for a daily walk but when it is cold and raining all day every day, that puts a damper on things – excuse the pun!

I look forward to my glass of wine every day.  Is that bad?  It’s the day long build-up and anticipation of something special happening that evening. The thought brings me happiness in my isolated misery.

Last night brought a Hill Family Albariño. With just a tinge of light moss color this bright and sprightly wine is one for spring and drinking outside, which I can’t talk about as it makes me sad and this is a happy, fun wine!  So, if you have a patio or deck, take it outside.  If you are like me and sheltering in place in your apartment, just sit near a window and imagine 65 degrees, clean fresh air and colorful flowers. Light and airy on the nose with hints of green, fresh apples and mild citrus.  Instantly sharp on the tongue with tastes of Granny Smiths and a finish of grapefruit and nectarine. This is a lovely totally fun, drinkable wine. 

I made a Red-Curry Shrimp dish which paired perfectly with this wine.

My rating…