IMG_1766After thoroughly enjoying the Found Object Chenin Blanc 2010, I was excited to also try their Syrah after I noticed it in Trader Joe’s.  Again, another very inexpensive wine at just $8.  With wines this cheap, it is not so bad if you don’t like them and of course if they are good, they are always fabulous to keep in stock when a friend pops over or you just want to enjoy a glass on your own.   

This Syrah has a comment on the back that reads… “Context, it can change everything.  Consider for a moment, a wine among the crowd – yet not of the crowd.  What could be taken for granted (grape juice) become special when reprocessed into something thought provoking.  Consider this Syrah worthy of your consideration.”

Pale purple with a deep dark center.  A mildly spicy aroma with a sweetness of red cherries.  Surprisingly a little bit medicinal in aroma, like a light cough syrup but definitely not off-putting.  Slightly bold on the palate with a swift kick of fresh, spiced berries and plums and a little bit of anise.  Not what I expected from a Syrah but really quite nice.  The finish is light but lingers for some time.  I enjoyed my glass with crackers and Gouda cheese – a rather nice pairing I might add.

My rating…




