Last week I was sent this short award winning movie to my LifeFoodWine inbox.  I did wonder what on earth it was but once I watched it, I fell in love with it and asked if I could share on my blog. There are no words in this movie but there is so much to say in the silence of it and how you interpret it is up to you. 

This wonderfully sweet movie set in Dublin tells the story of a typical Irish stout drinker.  Ever loyal to his post-work pint, one evening he is tempted to switch to a glass of wine instead…can he resist?  Can opposites attract?  Can wine and stout/beer co-exist?

Have a watch and share what your thoughts.

The Struggle of Libations – A Short Film from Erin Mullally on Vimeo.

Check out the interview with the writer and actor on YouTube.
