“Cinderella… Proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!”

Let me start this post with a tiny admittance of a lie or perhaps more of a teeny tiny fib.  Okay, here goes…  I may not actually not be a size 5!  Whoa big weight off my mind ;).  With all of my ranting and ravings about shoe manufacturers phasing out the adult size 5, I have to now admit I may really be a size 4.5.  Yep, I have abnormally tiny feet.  Most of my shoes have heel grips or insoles in them to stop my feet from slipping out of the shoes.


Sam Edelman, Prudential Mall, Boston – photo from their website

So, where does Sam Edelman play into this blog post?  Well, allow me to share.  A few weeks ago I was meeting my friend Rob (BosGuy) at Porto for dinner.  I stepped out of my Uber and the heel on my well-worn and much loved very high brown suede shoes broke clean off reducing me to my actual height of 5 feet (yes, I really am 5ft and not 4.11ft!).  Luckily, I had flip flops in my bag and as I was a little early for dinner, so I thought I could have a look around for a pair of shoes as of course I could not meet my friend Rob and not be at least 5.3ft.  People would talk :).

I was walking around the Pru when I came across a store called Sam Edelman.  I don’t own any Sam Edelman shoes and I had no idea this store was even here.  When I walk into a shoe store I tend to be a bit more negative and just expect them to say that their adult shoe sizes start in a size 6 and I walk out dejected.  Well, not only are the sales representatives super welcoming, when I asked for a size 5 they just nodded with smile, not a snigger or a condescending look and absolutely no hint of belittling behavior.  I had 2 pair of shoes in hand I quite liked and they came back with 3!!  I was in shock to say the least. 


Nora Leather Strap Pumps

There was a pair I was particularly drawn to, the Nora Leather Strap Pumps which turned out to be a little too big for me.  Can you even begin to imagine my surprise when she said, “we may have a size 4 or 4.5.”  I swear there was a tear in my eye and happiness filled my heart.  I tried the size 4.5 and they fit.  I felt like Cinderella. 


LOVE them

I left the store wearing these fantastic, surprisingly comfortable and stylish pumps with the cutest heal and a sexy cut out at the instep of my foot.   


AND they are surprisingly comfy

These days I think $120 for shoes is not expensive but I am aware it is, I just got used to spending a lot more money for designer shoes as they tend to still cater to small shoe sizes.  Now I am aware of Sam Edelman, they will be seeing a lot more of me! 

Thank you to Sam Edelman for recognizing women come in all sizes, even our feet. 
