On Sunday, I had the best day, a truly fun day.  One of those days where you start out with something simple like brunch and it ends up something like… well, let me share in words and pictures if I may…

I met Rob and Sergio, my wonderful good friends for brunch at Union Bar & Grill (now closed) on Washington.  Nothing too outrageous, except a perhaps outrageously good brunch of eggs bennie, side of fruit and excellent coffee and a good look at People Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive edition – fantastic brunch conversation.

After brunch Rob and I decided we were going to go and play.  Sergio likes to leave us to our own devices when we want to do this :).  The plan was for me to buy new make-up at Lancome as they have their free gift event and I was going to “just look” at new boots/shoes. That was my plan!.  We looked at a few places and I ended finding a fabulous pair long brown boots at “Shoe Woo” – Ann Klein, dark leather, high, ankle buckle cute and on sale.  We then wandered around and tried on hats in The Gap. 

After leaving the Gap – we did not buy the hats.  We wandered into the more expensive shops – always dangerous.  I then looked in Bally while Rob looked in Armani.  Who were we kidding?  We both belong in the Gap but we want to be in Bally and Armani – it really is quite obvious.  Here in lies my next danger zone!!!!!  I tried on a FANTASTIC pair of the softest, most beautiful, felt like butter, stunning, fit me perfect, which is really hard to find, pair of $700 Bally shoes!  Well, the sales assistant then said they are 40% off!  I will let you do the math – it was still not cheap but I was just in the moment and had to have them.  However, I am now having anxiety and second thoughts. Only they told me sale is final!!!  Yikes.  I am in trouble.

I still had to be buy my make up which of course was not cheap so after that Rob and I decided to call Andy, our Brit Brain Surgeon – yes a real one! to come meet us at Aquataine and that is where it went down hill.  Oh, wait you thought is was my $%&%) spend, noooo here is what it was…

Wine in Aquataine – lovely and a nice 3pm cocktail to send me on my way home for an early night after a day of shopping.

But no, more wine at Sister Sorel.  Andy having relationship drama and me and Rob not being able to talk any sense into him at all or maybe we were just talking nonsense?

Dinner at Rob and Sergio’s – more wine, fabulous food, then more food and a bit more – Weightwatchers begone.  We then watched a ton of “Flash Mob” videos on YouTube and rejoiced in the wonders that is human nature :).  I love these things – I would love to do one.  See Rob’s post of the largest flash mob ever dedicated to Oprah – priceless!

Finally I said “I am going home!!!!”  It felt like midnight but it was only 9.00pm.  I took a cab with my many purchases, got home and decided to look at my closet full of shoes.  To make myself feel even more guilty I took photos!  It’s not a pretty picture and I should be ashamed of myself, but I have new fabulous shoes and I love them.  I am wearing them right now.  I am going to wear them every day!
