Over the last few years The Envoy Hotel in Boston has been featured numerous times on my blog. It goes without saying I am fan.  They know how to look after their customers, whether it is a cocktail on their fun rooftop, the Lookout or dining in the restaurant and private room of the Outlook. They have a seasonally changing menu and are not afraid to creatively push the boundaries of their patrons’ palates. I have even featured their dessert, which is not something I often do as I am more of a wine for dessert person than actual dessert. 

Arriving at the Igloo Bat at Lookout

Last week I added another adventure to an evening at The Envoy, which was enjoying a few hours in one of their igloos on the rooftop before dining in their private room with one of my teams from work.

I have to say this is an inspiring idea give the number of months you can spend dining and drinking outside in Boston is very limited. The igloos, which reopened in November offer a menu of their crafted cocktails, wine and beers. 

So, let me be honest, anyone who knows me knows I need comfort with my service when I go out. The idea of sitting in an igloo on a rooftop when it is 30 degrees outside does not appeal to my spoiled sensitivities. That said, I always want to be a team player and as I was celebrating with a group of 20–30-year old’s who thought this was an awesome idea, I felt I had to take part, especially as I was the credit card holder! 

The evening was cold, freezing in fact so I slapped a forced smile on my face, wrapped up warm and walked over to The Envoy. The smile turned genuine and stayed on my face when we got to the rooftop.  The colorful igloos (actually tents) do look really fun, and no-one can take away the spectacular views of the harbor, Boston Tea Party and the Seaport skyline.    

Getting cozy in the Igloo

Each igloo has a heater and up to 10 seats – we happened to be 11 but we made it work with lots of much needed cozy blankets.  It really is like camping except you get waiter service. 

Our waiters were equally wrapped up warm with big puffy coats and a huge ‘I am here to get you what you need to have a great night attitude.’

We started out with some champagne as we were celebrating a fabulous year for our team.  While I stayed with champagne, of course, the team moved on to trying some of their winter cocktails, which everyone seemed to enjoy. 

After a great few hours in the Igloo

We stayed in the igloo for a little less than two hours and I have to say it was really enjoyable.  I forgot about the cold while chatting and laughing with my colleagues and friends and sipping on bubbly.

You really can’t beat the view

Who would have thought I would say but this is definitely worth doing for something a little different.    





Igloo Bar at Lookout Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato