Anyone who knows me, knows my love for award season with a special love for The Oscars. I am a big movie person and can hunker down and watch movie after movie and feel no guilt. So, after a busy work week, I decided it was time for a movie weekend focusing on the 2019 nominations for best picture. Of the 8 nominations, there is only 1 movie I have not seen and that is Roma, which I am hearing is the favorite, not to be confused with The Favourite, which I thought was just okay – I really did want to love it. My actual favorite for the win is Green Book or Black Panther. Wouldn’t it be cool for a Marvel movie to win Best Picture! We will of course know exactly what happens by later tonight. What we will also see tonight is if there is really no host for the first time in 30 years for The Oscars.

For the evening(s) of my movie watching I needed wine. I was perusing the wine shelves and got a glimpse of a memory, which made me quickly trace my steps back a few steps to the Campo Viejo Rioja. It was immediately picked off the shelf. This wine invokes wonderful memories of time with my sister where we would pick up wine at Tesco’s in Manchester, England and stay in trying to watch a movie, which was usually interrupted 50,000 times by us talking over it.
A beautifully deep ruby color of wine, which was making me smile as I poured the wine into the glass. Memories flooded back of us trying to find different wines to drink and always going for the antique orangey/yellow label of Campo Viejo Rioja. The aroma is spicy, peppery and sweet with hints of vanilla. First sip turns my smile into a deep grin making me miss my sister and her deep laugh. The taste is reminiscent of the aroma with a peppery kiss on the lips followed by smooth rich dark cherry and blackberry taste. Seriously fruity with a long, silky finish. I love this every day wine for its price, expensive taste and of course the memories it brings.
My rating…