I think on every blog I have posted recently, I have lamented Quarantine life. We have had to adjust to a new way of working, socializing and connection and I for one don’t love it.
That said, I am now in a ‘groove’ of living my life while missing the many things that made me… me. I miss travel, going to the office, dining out and actual real store shopping. I now talk to my family and friends via facetime or Zoom as I cant travel to see them. I work all day and try to incorporate breaks and shut down at appropriate times. I no longer shop for designer items like shoes and bags, but instead get super excited about a new pair of drawstring sweatpants arriving from Amazon. What happened to me! I honestly do not think I could even walk in high shoes right now. I am like a completely different person!
One of the best things to come out of all this is the true re-connection I have made with many friends – old and new. Before quarantine, it would be a text here and there and perhaps an odd phone call thrown in. Now we make the effort to actually see each other and book evenings to catch up, drink wine, laugh and talk about when all this will be over.
We are in week 10 and for 10 Sundays I have met my friend, Stacey on Zoom to bake and we love it. I am also speaking for Stacey here as she didn’t exactly say she loves it but I suspect she does 😊! We plan in the week what we want to bake, make sure we can both get the ingredients and then spend a few hours chatting, baking and tasting.
So, what have we been baking…
Week 1 – Almond Biscotti
Possibly my favorite snack with coffee! I try to make Biscotti at least once a month and often will forgo lunch to replace it with a teeth breaking cookie or two.

Week 2 – Sour Cream Muffins with Cardamom Streusel
This recipe was adapted from a MyRecipes recipe for Sour Cream Muffins with Poppy Seed Streusel. Both Stacey and I are big fans of cardamom and have incorporated this spice into many of our baking recipes. Not too sweet and just the right size to not make you feel too guilty for a baked goods breakfast.
Week 3 – Madeleines
Love these little bites of fluffy, light heaven. They are very dangerous though as you cant stop eating them! We made some with a raspberry pressed into the dough and they were super.

Week 4 – Salt & Pepper Cocoa Shortbread Cookies
I love the taste of salt with chocolate but think about mixing chunky sea salt with black pepper and sugar and what you get is a wonderful, complex taste, which takes you on a journey of biting to salty, mildly sweet and then buttery decadence. Best cookies ever!

Week 5 – Blueberry Lemon Muffins
These muffins are AMAZing – truly fantastic. Great tang of citrus, light sweetness and filled with juicy blueberries. I always add more blueberries and lemon than many recipes call for, but you can do what you like with playing with this recipe.
Week 6 – Lemon Rounds
This is a recipe we adapted from an old William Sonoma baking book I have for Lemon Bars. At first we were really worried that they wouldn’t turn out well as they were very crumbly and fell apart easily but the taste, oh my – citrus delicious!

Week 7 – Buttermilk Biscuits
A foray into the savory brought us Smitten Kitchen’s Buttermilk Biscuits. You can freeze these biscuits and heat them up for 30 seconds in the microwave and serve with butter and strawberry jam!

Week 8 – Coconut Brown Butter Cookies
Both being fans of coconut, we couldn’t resist this recipe for Coconut Brown Butter Cookies. I couldn’t resist them so much they all needed to be out of my apartment and given to my neighbors immediately. Sheer butter indulgence!
Week 9 – Apple Cheddar Scones
In the mood for a scone with a twist, add dried apple for sweetness and sharp cheddar for creamy cheesiness. Of course, still put a dollop of butter on them after you reheat 😊

Week 10 – Roquefort Gougères
These little cheesy puffs made me weep with memories of one of my favorite restaurants from Boston, Aquitaine. As an amuse bouche, once you tell them your order, a little cheesy puff of delight arrives to the table. They are fantastic and worthy of the aching arm muscles with all of the dough hand stirring and whisking you have to do!
So, while I have loved everything we have made my Top 3 are: Salt & Pepper Cocoa Shortbread Cookies, Roquefort Gourgeres and Coconut Brown Butter Cookies.
Stacey’s Top 3 are Madeleines, Coconut Brown Butter Cookies, and Buttermilk Scones.
This weekend we will be making savory mini quiches.

Of course I’ve loved baking with you!
Phew 🙂