I am going to start by saying I am so incredibly excited about this find.  There are a number of wines that come along, where the second you taste it, you want more.  Of course, I love wine so I always want more, but this wine, I want to share and talk about and rejoice in.  I have never tried a New York wine before and this is my first Anthony Nappa wine.  The Anomaly wine is not classed as RosĂ© but a white Pinot Noir and I am thrilled to have been introduced to it by Social Wines in South Boston, and even more thrilled to share with you.

Before I talk about the wine let me share with you my visit to Social Wines which opened in April at 52 West Broadway and a place I had been meaning to drop by ever since it opened.  Finally, I stopped by with my visitors last week.  Upon arrival we were greeted by the friendliest dog called Tanquery, Tanq for short.  An excitable bounding dog of 11 years old, who sadly is sick with cancer.  That didn’t stop this adorable pooch from trying to jump up and be petted by us.  John, a charmingly lovely man who is so visibly happy about what he does for a living that it is hard not to be part of that excitement. He talked to us for a while about Tanq and then we moved on to wines, of which he was incredibly knowledgeable, non-pushy and I can imagine even if we walked out empty-handed, he would still be just as gracious. 

I am very into RosĂ© wine right now, so I asked what was in favor for him.  A surprising response was a white Pinot Noir from Long Island called Anomaly.  I was immediately drawn to the simplicity of the label. 

Chilled and opened that very same night both myself and my friend Nicola did our tasting.   This pinot is a delicate color of pale red rose petals.  Aromas of flowers, mostly roses at first sniff followed by a freshness of sweet red grapes.  On the palate there is a sharpness that bites on the tongue with tangs of grapefruit that is so fresh, it is almost like having a glass of crisp flavored water.  It is a refreshing wine, which is a little unusual.  You almost want to gulp it like juice.  At first you think its sweet, but that is fleeting, it is so smooth and clean with a lovely distinct pointed long and dry finish of ripe cherries.  This is just good wine and one I will be buying more of. 

At a price of just $20 you really cannot go wrong for a wine that will most certainly impress friends and dinner guests as something a little different. Perfect for al fresco dining this summer.

I did buy a few more wines from Social Wines that I will be trying and writing about and all of them under $20.  Take some time to stop by but don’t buy all the Anomaly as I will be back for more :).  

My wine rating…