The great thing about attending any wine expo is the discovery of new and fabulous wines. This year at the Boston Wine Expo I found many new, reasonably priced and awesome wines. Along with the help of my Drync app I picked out the ones I truly loved and ordered them.
I was so excited when a few months after the wine expo a wine I had totally forgotten about finally arrived… The Tabalí Reserva Viognier 2013.

Tabali Reserva Viogner 2013
“The winery started its vineyard plantations in 1993 in the exciting and promising Limarí Valley (North of Chile). Its closeness to the Atacama Desert, the proximity of the Pacific Ocean, the clear and pure skies, hot days and fresh nights results in exceptional terroir for the elaboration of premium and super premium wines.”
This Viogner is incredibly light and not overly fragrant, which is quite a surprise for a Viognier, which I normally find more pungent in aroma. The first taste is mild and then it hits you with a sharp punch combining tastes of ripe peach, pear and melon with undertones of cantaloupe and kiwi. This wine is incredibly fruit forward and quite amazing. It does a super job of continuing to tantalize the taste buds with creamy pear and a little effervescence that just keep coming.
I do sometimes find viogners very overwhelming; however, this one is just a wonderful, delightful and smooth wine. A nice finish that just sits on the tongue for a while and asks you to drink more, which I’m always happy to do :). This is a very quaffable wine!
Viogners are a great pairing to spicy food such as Chicken Tikka Masala.
I am thrilled with this wine!