Let me tell you about the last 30 hours and why I am so dog tired I could sleep standing up on a barbed wire fence!

My very good friend Jaimee is getting married next month and decided to celebrate her bachelorette in New York.  Not being able to leave on Friday, I decided to get the train from Boston to New York with my friend Laurie on Saturday morning. 

Up bright and early at 6.00am with having had about four hours of sleep for the (alleged) 7.40am train to New York, I arrived at South Station a little earlier to find there was no 7.40am train to New York?  I texted Laurie, who insisted the train must be there until she arrived at the train station to see what I was also seeing
 no 7.40am train on the board!  It turns out the train was at 8.50am.  Awesome, I say.  Tired and grumpy, on my second cup of coffee of the morning and knowing I could have stayed in bed more than an extra hour I tried to shake off my grouchiness.  It didn’t take long. 

Four hours on the train with the loudest, most talkative man in the world who just would not shut up.  We both now know his full life story.  I bought more bad train coffee, tried to read my book, tried to sleep, tried to hold a conversation with Laurie, who had totally given in and bought her first alcoholic beverage of the day at 10.30am J.  It was a long four hours.

Arrived safely and tired in New York around 1pm.  The weather left a lot to be desired
 windy, rainy and cold.  The girls were already at the Boat House having brunch so Laurie and I decided to head over to one of my favorite brunch places, Pastis I love Pastis.  I love the hustle and bustle of the place, the noisy crowd, the fashionable staff and the food.  We decided on a glass of Chablis each and the Croque Monsieur for me and Croque Madame for Laurie.  Delicious!  Both the Croque Monsieur and the Chablis.  And then because it looked so miserable outside, we had another Chablis and then another and then the bar man liked us so much because apparently we were “low maintenance,” he bought us another one.  I was starting to get very happy and also a little worried as I knew I was going to have go to stay awake for a nightclub that night for the first time in about 10 years!   I ordered more coffee!

Back at the hotel, now three of us as Tricia had also joined us by this time, we checked into our teeny one bed hotel room 🙂 This was going to be interesting. 

We met in one of the other hotel rooms to join the other 10 celebrating the evening and to give some fun lingerie to Jaimee.   She received lots of fabulous, gorgeous, delicate items. 

Off to the Ember Room for dinner.  An eclectic, Asian fusion restaurant part owned by Todd English.  What a fun evening of yummy food, tasty small dishes and fun cocktails.  I was seriously limiting myself on the cocktails and taking it easy. 

After dinner and in the crazy downpour of rain we ran to a waiting mini bus to take us to 230 Fifth for table service and a bit of a dance.  The club is known for its roof deck and amazing views.  What a shame we could not get to see it.  Instead we paid $250 for a bottle of vodka (minimum two per table), got stuck to the carpeted floor when trying dance and watched the crazy drunk crowd.  I realized the second I walked through the door, I am seriously, without question too old for nightclubs.  I have to say I did have a good dance and quite enjoyed myself even though I don’t think I even had one drink all evening.  It looked like Jaimee had an amazing time, which is all that mattered!  I did leave early with \Laurie and Tricia and left the rest of girls to dance the night away until 4am.  Oh, I remember those days! They are very much behind me now.

Arriving back at the hotel and walking through the door and within about 10 seconds, Tricia fell off her six inch heels and completely hit the deck and hit it hard.  I went straight into nurse mode, and deduced nothing was broken.  However, it was seriously sprained and needed an ice pack and probably an xray.  Drama in the lobby it would seem, as security wanted us moved and pronto.  

Refusing an ambulance, we made our way to the room and decided who was sleeping where in our teeny room.  I shared with Tricia and her badly sprained ankle and ended up sleeping for about 20 minutes all night due to the noisy neighbors, the boom boom of the nightclub downstairs and a lot of “ouch” from Tricia.  Fun times.

The drive back to Boston was one of pain for Tricia, a four hour drive for poor Laurie and so tired I could barely keep my eyes open for me.  There was a sofa in Boston with my name on it.  Sadly, as it turned out, after a trip to get an xray, poor Tricia has a fractured tibula!  Ahhh, the price we pay for fashion!  6 inch heels and delicate ankles don’t always go together, even if they do look fabulous!  She will just have make a fashion statement with crutches for a few weeks!

Of course, there are more stories that shall remain in New York, a bit like Vegas, but I have to say what a fabulously fun 24 hours in New York City – friends, wine, dancing, fractured ankles and lack of sleep!  I need an early night tonight that’s for sure! 

Can’t wait for your wedding Jaimee!!!!!
