Hmmm – that is exactly what was going through my head as I looked at these shoes last night.  I just don’t know?  I mean, do I even like them?  I don’t know where they came from – well obviously from Nine West as that is the maker but where and when exactly is another question.  I obviously bought them, but why did I buy them?  They are also a size six and therefore too big for me.  Where was my head at when making this purchase?  There are more questions than answers here!  Let me get my thinking cap on…
Now that I think about it more, I do have a slight memory of wanting something fun on my feet to wear with a red dress my friend had loaned to me for an event – this was years ago.  Obviously, I couldn’t find anything so bought these in a size six.  Where I bought them is a complete and utter mystery.  I suppose they are fun.  They are most definitely colorful!  Perhaps it really was at Nine West but I cannot even remember the last time I went into that store and I am not sure if it even exists anymore in Boston?  I asked my friend and she suggested I probably bought them from Marshall’s.  This is highly likely of me buying a bargain pair of shoes a size too big!!
I cant wear them today.  Please don’t judge me for this.  I know some will as they feel I should wear every pair of shoes I am showcasing for Shoesday Tuesdays, but honestly, I will literally fall out of them and break my neck and no-one wants that.

These are most definitely for the donation pile.